Friday, July 6, 2012

Maisie Shine Friday Night

It's Friday Night!  What's the perfect nail color to kick-off my weekend?  Maisie Shine Friday Night, of course!

I have to first apologize for showing you a color that is currently not available.  But seriously, how gorgeous is this color?  How can I possibly not share?  Here's a closer look at this beauty in the bottle...

Let's take a look at Friday Night in action, on the nails.

Maisie Shine Friday Night is a black jelly filled with colorful glitter of various shapes and sizes. I see color combination of magenta, blue, teal, and purple.

On my nails, I layered two coats of Friday Night over a base of Wet n Wild Wild Shine Black Crème, which is just a basic black.  Gorgeous!  Honestly, Friday Night can be worn alone, without a base, and it would still be perfectly fine.  The jelly base was dark and opaque enough that definitely three coats would build enough color.

Lindsey, creative creator and owner of Maisie Shinenoticed a slight curling issue with the large magenta glitter.  For now, she has decided not to sell Friday Night, until she can find an alternative and resolve the problem.  Lucky for me, I was able to get a bottle.  The ever so sweet Lindsey warned me about the possible slight curling issue.  But look at it this, it's sooo beautiful... I just didn't care.  

You don't see any curling glitter here in the photos, but I did have a couple on my right hand.  The curling was slight, and nothing like "taco" curling.  What I ended up doing was flip the curling glitter, so the curve side was facing down on the nail.  Volia! Curling glitter problem was solved.

I hope Lindsey can find a good substitute glitter soon.  Friday Night is just too beautiful not to bring back!


  1. I don't mind seeing things I can't buy--in fact, that's probably better for my budget. :)

    1. I agree, it's definitely good for the wallet. :)

  2. Looks gorgeous! I nominated you for an award on my blog!

  3. next wonderful! it is a pity that I cannot buy it: (
